Friends of The Earth.
Creative director/copywriter/art director
Friends of The Earth wanted to alert attendees
of London Design Week to the fact that making smartphones
requires a type of dredging/mining that is irrevocably
poisoning the drinking water in Bangka, Indonesia.
They had no money to do it either, so we decided
that one very direct way to get the message across
was to bring the problem in Bangka right to the festival
itself, by polluting the drinking water available to delegates.
We did get good coverage from news channels, despite
the makeshift execution.
Creative director/copywriter/art director
Friends of The Earth wanted to alert attendees
of London Design Week to the fact that making smartphones
requires a type of dredging/mining that is irrevocably
poisoning the drinking water in Bangka, Indonesia.
They had no money to do it either, so we decided
that one very direct way to get the message across
was to bring the problem in Bangka right to the festival
itself, by polluting the drinking water available to delegates.
We did get good coverage from news channels, despite
the makeshift execution.